My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict Free Novel - Chapter 527

Chapter 527


Grace wondered what kind of person would have made Kyla pregnant out of wedlock for her to have the baby.

If a woman was willing to have a child out of wedlock, the

woman most probably loved the man. Otherwise, she would. have just aborted the child.

How How do you know? asked Grace in surprise.

Jason smiled, raised his hand, and gently pushed a strand of hair that was on her cheek behind her ear. You dont expect me to be indifferent to your workplace, do you? Since you chose to work there, naturally, I had it checked out.

Grace could not help but gulp down the saliva stuck in her throat and stare at Jason. She had no idea that he would go to such lengths.

Her silence made Jason frown a little. Gradually, his eyes became stained with gloominess. You dont like it? Do you feel like youre being watched?

Grace shook her head. No, I know youre afraid that

something might happen to me.

He looked at her in amazement. She knew! The gloom in his eyes faded away and only joy was left in his bright, amorous.


By the way, What kind of person is uh, Nelsons father?

asked Grace.

Its Martin Weiss, answered Jason.

Grace was taken aback once again. Grace had heard of a Martin Weiss but Was the Martin Weiss Jason was talking.

about the Martin Weiss she had in mind?

It looks like you know Martin Weiss, said Jason.

Is it Martin Weiss from the Weiss Group? asked Grace.

Yep, its him, answered Jason.

Grace was silent. She knew Martin Weiss from when she was

still a lawyer. She had heard a senior in the law firm mention. a case in which Martin Weiss, though not the plaintiff, was one of the key witnesses. His testimony eventually led to the defendant being imprisoned.

The defendant Grace felt a sudden chill shoot down her back. The defendants name vaguely flashed across her mind. She recalled hearing the surname  Corbyn .

Kyla Could it be that coincidental?

Could Martin Weiss have testified against Kyla? The very thought of the possibility left Grace feeling anxious.

Biting her lip, Grace looked at Jason and asked, Then do you

know if Martin Weiss ever testified

Before she could finish, Jason interjected and said, Kyla

Corbyn was sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

due to Martin Weisss testimony.

Grace felt a sudden pang in her heart. Kyla had been sentenced to prison because of Martin Weiss, but she still gave birth to Martin Weisss child. Come to think of it, it was

kind of ironic.

Then, you must know of the case that caused Kyla Corbyn to be sentenced to prison, said Jason. It was a little surprising that Grace knew Martin Weiss had testified against Kyla Corbyn. Nevertheless, Jason found it understandable as she was once a lawyer. Not to mention, the case that took place between Martin Weiss and Kyla Corbyn was quite sensational back then; it had also taken place before her accident.

